Same room, different world |
Technology seems to have become such a major part of many people's lives. Many of those people may be addicted to using technology. Researchers have studied Internet and technology addiction over the years and most of them believe it is safe to say that technology may give some people the same 'effect' as drugs. It surely gives similar withdrawal symptoms. If your kid is fighting with you over the television set, the computer, or the Apple product, you may have a kid that is already getting addicted to technology. Today, addiction to the Internet and technology is mostly focused upon teenagers, but there's definitely chances that a young child can get addicted to technology. If anyone you know is anything like my nephews, they may just be addicted to technology. I first realized this when they began to decline suggestions of going outside or doing other activities other than playing video games on the iPad or the game systems. Before they had access to all this technology, they would be ecstatic to go out and ride their bikes or go out for lunch. Now that they have been accustomed to using this technology, they would much prefer to stay inside and play their video games. They even have trouble putting down the iPad when it is time to sit down and eat a meal together.
I have always had an interest in the issue revolving around the addiction to technology. I began researching for signs that children may be addicted to technology. I eventually found an extremely helpful article that explained this popular phenomenon. This article that I found was from the Daily Mail, which discussed the
five signs that your child is addicted to technology. The points made in the article were formulated by an adolescent psychiatrist, Dr. Richard Graham and a clinical psychologist, Dr. Jay Watts. I found each of these points to be very logical and very agreeable.
Here's what you should look for in kids to determine whether or not they are addicted to technology:
- Decreasing interest in other activities: being reluctant to take part in something else that is fun
- Often bringing up the topic of technology: wanting to know when they will have access to it or simply checking their devices or talking too much about technology
- Argumentative behavior: they feel the need to defend their frequent use of technology when you bring up your concerns involving their use of technology
- Stress or tension when away from technology: they are easily irritated or upset when they are separated from technology or devices and become calm once the two are reunited
- Increase in being deceitful: check for signs that they may be hiding their usage of technology, such as trying to discreetly use them in bed without you knowing
Therefore, if you have read my earlier posts, there are many precautions to take when limiting technology use to prevent these signs of addiction. With addiction to technology, kids may
lose a significant amount of sleep and also have a change in behavior through
anger and lashing out on the parents over the devices. The next time that I babysit my nephews, I will definitely be looking out for these signs more closely!
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